Monday, February 22, 2016

There are good reasons why Europe’s Jews are so worried

The Jewish population of Europe and the rest of the world is bearing the ill will caused by the actions of the ultra-nationalist government in Israel. That government tries to portray all criticism as “anti-Semitic” while creating an almost perfect fascist state at home to limit domestic criticism.

The virulent racist rhetoric from ultra-Nationalists combined with their violent acts, repression of dissent, and the illegal appropriation of Palestinian land should be a cause for concern for all Jews everywhere because they will be seen as enablers and supporters regardless of their personal feelings. The cause of the downfall of ancient Israel may also become the cause for the downfall of modern Israel.

Odd that the author refers to the anti-Semitism of the far-right, but not the far left, which is also virulent. And because the left increasingly allies with radical Islamists, potentially much more dangerous.

The fact that Jews figure prominently advocating and bringing in refugees – e.g. George Soros, Barbara Spectre, Gregor Gysi, Simon Schuama – will alienate much of the indigenous population. All the more so as Israel turns away refugees. Israel’s advocacy to take down Saddam and Assad have alienated Moslems who are pouring in to Europe. Being at the forefront of Revolution and Change has a backlash.

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