Monday, March 28, 2016

ROM - 1

List of Online Resources

This is an ongoing list of all the Romanian resources that were previously posted on the groups main page. There are so many wonderful resources, it would be nice to have them all in one place. This living DOC will continue to live inside the 'files' section.



For a complete list of daily vocabulary words, please see the group front page and scroll down. New words are added daily.

Romanian for beginners! (check this out)

For those of you who are new to the Romanian language, I would very much like to recommend the following book for your perusal. Grammar can be one of the most difficult things to grasp while learning Romanian and it's extremely frustrating. This book does a nice job of explaining the essential components of Romanian grammar in an easy to understand manner. Please check it out. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask and perhaps we can have a group discussion about it. For all of you who are new to the group, welcome!!!

By the way, the book is FREE!!!

Romanian: An Essential Grammar -

Additionally, I would like to recommend the following resources to those who are new to the Romanian language. Many people wish to learn, but have no idea where to begin. Here are some helpful links to get your started:

  • Online Romanian Dictionaries:

For beginners, I recommend:

For more the advanced, my personal favorite:

Other English to Romanian Dictionaries:

  • English to Romanian Translator (helpful for the beginner, but not perfect):

  • Stand Alone Romanian Textbook (recommended for everyone)
A comprehensive grammar textbook for the Romanian student

  • Storage Page for our Group Vocabulary Words (for beginners)
This page is where I store the daily vocabulary and sentences from our front page. Storing them in one place makes finding them much easier, as compared to scrolling down the group's main page.

  • Word Etymology

Where words come from:

For those of you, like me, who have been searching for children's books and/or stories in Romanian, here is an excellent link for your reading pleasure:

Another learning site designed to help children learn Romanian:

More stories:

Also, some Romanian movies designed for children:

  • Free Online Romanian Lessons

Learn Romanian Magazine (for the Romanian student):

Learn Romanian w/ Nico Videos (Youtube) -

Learn Romanian w/ Nico Videos (Facebook) - (Romanian only)
  • Verb Conjugation Help:

  • Learn the Romanian Alphabet:

  • Helpful Pronoun Chart:

  • Learn Basic Romanian Phrases (w/ audio pronunciation):

  • Interesting Romanian Culture and Lifestyle Blog Pages:

About Romanian Culture:

  • Grammatical Word Gender Quizzes:

  • Helpful pages from Alina's Romanian Phrase Book:

General Phrases -
Dictionary Words 'F" -
Verbs -
Emergency Phrases -
Information on Romania -
Communicate Phrases -
Dictionary Words 'R' -
Travel Phrases -

  • Practice Worksheets for Clitics from Romanian Phrase Book:
  • Romanian Tutorial Videos:
Simple Romanian Words & Phrases Video -

  • Online Flashcard Tutorials:

Create Flashcards -
Basic Questions -
Group Words -
Romanian word games -
NOM / ACC Pronouns -

  • Flashcard word games

  • Romanian Radio Stations Online

  • Online Romanian Television

  • Romanian Alphabet:

  • Adding Diacritics:

  • Useful Romanian Phrases:

  • Resources for Constructing Sentences:

  • Verb Conjugation:
Indicative verb paradigm -

  • Online Romanian Books [Children's books, originally written in Romanian or translated into Romanian from other languages.]
  • Helpful Links:
Romanian Jokes -
Romanian Crossword Puzzles -
RO past tense (compound perfect) -

  • Downloadable Resources:

Guide for Spanish speakers -
Pisica Neagra Video -

  • Romanian Movies

  • Documentaries in Romanian / with Romanian subtitles:
Romania Tour -

  • Romanian Music

  • PDF Reading Materials Posted by Dora

FIRST READING: La Medeleni - At Medeleni.

READING 2: Another excerpt from La Medeleni.

READING 3: La Medeleni (excerpt 3)

  • Helpful Posts by Dora (from main page)

#1 - Romanian adjectives may inflect like this: MASC.SG, FEM.SG., MASC.PL., FEM.PL. E.g. 'good' - bun, bună, buni, bune. Sometimes some of the forms sound the same, and then you have less than 3 forms; e.g. 'red' - roşu, roşie, roşii, roşii. Or 2 forms; e.g. 'green' - verde, verde, verzi, verzi. Or just 1; e.g. 'grey' - gri, gri, gri, gri.

#2 - LITTLE THINGS: Here begins our series of Romanian diminutives. First item: 'cat' = pisică; little cat (kitten): pisicuţă, pisoi, pisoiaş, pisicel

#3 - LITTLE THINGS: sarma / sarmală = stuffed cabbage [a Romanian specialty]; little sarma: sărmăluţă :p. Here's the recipe: and here's the video [spiced with a delightful ;D Romanian accent!]:

#4 - Ââ, Îî Romanian shares with English most of its alphabet. Some of its letters, however, are strictly Romanian, for example the letters Ââ and Îî. (1) Do these two letters have anything in common? If yes, what is it? (2) Is there any difference between them? If yes, what is it? (3) Can you pronounce them?

#5 - The PLURAL. If the Romanian diminutive can be pretty funny [and allows variations...], the Romanian plural is more of a tricky business. Let me fish some plurals from Readings 1, 2 & 3. [MP3:]

un ţăran, doi ţărani [1 peasant, 2 peasants, MASC]
o pălărie, două pălării [1 hat, 2 hats, FEM]
o clasă, două clase [1 (school) grade/form, 2 grades, FEM]
o răspundere, două răspunderi [1 responsibility, 2 responsibilities, FEM]
un deget, două degete [1 finger, 2 fingers, NEUT!]
un picior, două picioare [1 foot/leg, 2 feet/legs, NEUT!]
o talpă, două tălpi [1 (foot)sole, 2 soles, FEM]
un zgrunţure, doi zgrunţuri [1 lump (in the paint), 2 lumps, MASC]
un braţ, două braţe [1 arm, 2 arms, NEUT]
un ochi, doi ochi [1 eye, 2 eyes, MASC]
o căldură, două călduri [1 heat, 2 heats (waves of heat), FEM]
o insomnie, două insomnii [1 insomnia, 2 insomnias, FEM]
o palmă, două pălmi [1 palm, 2 palms, FEM]
(1) What are the counting words for the FEMININE nouns? (2) MASCULINE? (3) NEUTRAL? Do you notice any other patterns? [e.g. Do all FEM nouns end in a vowel? Do all MASC nouns end in a consonant? Try to formulate some rules. (E.g. 'All/Most/Some x[e.g. FEM nouns, NEUT nouns, nouns, etc.] are y [e.g. end in a vowel, etc.]'.)

SG: cal - căluţ [little horse] PL: cai - căluţi

SG: urs - ursuleţ [little bear] PL: urşi - ursuleţi
(In this case, the big bear is actually a female bear, and in Ro the word for is would actually be: ursoaică; PL: ursoaice.)

#8 - LITTLE THINGS & PLURALS: 'monkey'
SG: maimuţă - maimuţică [little monkey] PL: maimuţe - maimuţici

#9 - LITTLE THINGS & PLURALS: 'elephant'
SG: elefant - elefănţel [little elephant] PL: elefanţi - elefănţei

#10 - LITTLE THINGS & PLURALS: 'donkey'
SG: măgar - măgăruş [little donkey] PL: măgari - măgăruşi

#11 - LITTLE THINGS & PLURALS: 'sheep'
SG: oaie - oiţă [little sheep] PL: oi - oiţe

SG: porc - purcel [little pig] PL: porci - purcei

#13 - LITTLE THINGS - Greetings
Noapte bună = Good Night
Bună seara = Good Evening
Bună ziua = Good Afternoon, Hello
Bună dimineaţa = Good morning

#14 - When you have 2 verbs in a row, how do you introduce the second verb? This is a very raw way of asking the question. Nevertheless, think of something like 'I try(VERB1) to do(VERB2) etc.' or 'I start(V1) doing(V2) etc.' Basically, in English the strategies are: (1) TO + VERB or (2) V+ING.

In French the strategies would be (1) V in the INFINITIVE: 'Je veux prendre...'; (2) PREPOSITION + V in the INFINITIVE: 'Je commence a faire...' or 'J'essaye de faire...'
Like English and French, in Romanian the second verb may be put in the infinitive:

'Încep a face...' [begin.1SG INFINITIVE do]

However, this use of the infinitive is pretty much out of fashion nowadays. The preferred strategy is instead the SUBJUNCTIVE:

'Încep să fac...' [begin.1SG SUBJ do.1SG...]

Since such structures tend to be rather handy in everyday speech, we now inaugurate a new series: the SUBJ[unctive].


Vreau să dorm.
want.1SG SUBJ sleep.1SG
'I want to sleep.'

Ştii să cânţi la pian?
know.2SG SUBJ sing.2SG at piano
'Can you play the piano?'

A început să plouă.
has started SUBJ rain.3SG
'It started raining.'

clanţă (doorknob)
poliţie [police (officers, office)]
sonerie [doorbell]

#17 - [STATE EXPRESSIONS] Perhaps we should get familiar with how to express states such as hunger, thirst, cold, longing, in Romanian.

Before we get to the structure, I should explain, first, what a clitic is. A clitic is a grammatical particle which always stays attached to some other element in the sentence. Romanian pronouns in the DAT or ACC are famous for their 'clitic doubling'. Let me show you an example:

Pe mine mă cheamă Dora.
PE me.ACC me.Clit.ACC call.3SG/PL Dora.
'My name is Dora' or, more literally, 'They call me Dora.'

PE = a preposition that introduces a pronoun in the accusative case

We notice there a pronoun 'me' in the ACC [mine] and a clitic pronoun 'me' [mă]. [mă] doubles [pe mine].

[Somewhat similar to the French 'Moi, je m'appelle Dora.']

Please note that in such cases of clitic doubling only the clitic pronoun is required, the other one is actually optional. Thus, people normally say just this:
Mă cheamă Dora.

[pe mine] can be added for emphasis, but that's all it does in the sentence.

Now, going back to our state verbs, here's a few examples:

[Mie] mi-e frig. = me.DAT me.Clit.DAT-is cold = I'm cold.

[Mie] mi-e foame. = me.DAT me.Clit.DAT-is hunger = I'm hungry.
[Mie] mi-e sete. = me.DAT me.Clit.DAT-is thirst = I'm thirsty.

[Mie] mi-e somn. = me.DAT me.Clit.DAT-is sleep = I'm sleepy.

[Mie] mi-e dor de tine. = me.DAT me.Clit.DAT-is longing of you.ACC = I miss you.
The clitic [mi] can also have the form [îmi]; my guess is that we use [mi-] in front of words which start with a vowel, and [îmi], in front of words which start with a consonant. Thus:

[Mie] îmi place cafeaua. = me.DAT me.Clit.DAT pleases coffee.the = I like coffee.

[Mie] îmi place de tine. = me.DAT me.Clit.DAT pleases of you.ACC = I like you.

#18 - a fugi [to run]

eu fug
tu fugi
el, ea fuge
noi fugim
voi fugiţi
ei, ele fug


As announced in the title, we'll focus on the third person singular: 3SG. And on the present tense. For now. Now lemme pick a few verbs:

pleacă [leaves]; spune [says]; zice [says]; vine [comes]; plânge [cries]; râde [laughs]; vede [sees]; se plimbă [takes a walk]; suferă [suffers]; pictează [paints]; lucrează [works]; pregăteşte [prepares].

Note: As mentioned in another post, Romanian does not have a 'present continuous'. Simply put, 'pleacă' can mean either 'leaves' or 'is leaving', depending on the context.

#20 - [Skeleton of the poem conundrum]

Turbanul îi cade şi-l lasă căzut; turban.the to.him falls.3SG and-it.ACC leaves.3SG fallen
Îşi rupe cu mâna vestmântul to.himself tears with hand.the garment.the
Că-n largile-i haine se-mpiedică vântul for-in wide-his clothes REFL-stumbles wind.the
Şi lui i se pare că-n loc e ţinut; and to.him to.him.Clit. REFL seems that-in place is held
Aleargă de groaza pieririi bătut, runs DE terror perishing.GEN stricken
Mănâncă pământul. eats ground.the
And here's how to read it: ;)

#21 - How to read a poem in the iambic meter: wail every time you see a capital letter [apart from the letters at the beginning of the lines]. Kidding. Just make those vowels longer...

TurbAnul îi cAde şi-l lAsă căzUt;
Îşi rUpe cu mÂna vestmÂntul
Că-n lArgile-i hAine se-mpiEdică vÂntul
Şi lUi i se pAre că-n lOc e ţinUt;
AleArgă de groAza pierIrii bătUt, MănÂncă pămÂntul.

#22 - Romanian grammar: the rough overview


>>The indefinite articles are "un" (masculine, singular), "o" (feminine, singular) and "nişte" (both genders, plural); definite articles are formed by adding certain endings to words (such as -(u)l, -a, -ua, -le), according to certain rules.

>>There are 3 genders in Romanian grammar: masculine, feminine and neuter. Neuter nouns are those that act as masculine nouns in the singular, and as feminine nouns in the plural.

>>There are 5 cases in Romanian: nominative, genitive, dative, accusative and vocative. Nouns have different forms for each case (they inflect), according to the gender and number of the noun. The genitive and dative form are identical, and so are the nominative and accusative form. The vocative case is used when calling someone/addressing someone directly (for example calling somebody's name to catch their attention).

>>There are 3 voices in Romanian: the active voice, the passive voice and the reflexive voice. The reflexive voice is used when the subject and the direct object of the verb are one and the same; Example: "Mă îmbrac"="I'm getting dressed". The passive voice is used only when the subject becomes the object of the action and the subject of the verb is someone else. Example: "Hoţul a fost arestat de către poliţie"="The thief was arrested by the police".

>>There are 9 verbal moods in Romanian: infinitive, indicative, subjunctive, conditional, presumptive, imperative, supine, participle, and gerund. The indicative, subjunctive, conditional, presumptive, and imperative moods are "personal", in the sense that they can inflect (to express time, person) and act as a predicative verb in a sentence, while the other four moods, called non-personal (infinitive, supine, participle, and gerund), are used as adjectives or adverbs.
>>The indicative mood has 8 tenses: present, imperfect, perfect simple, compound perfect, pluperfect, future, popular future, and future in the past. Present corresponds to both present simple and present continuous; imperfect corresponds to past continuous; the simple perfect tense, corresponding to the past simple, is old-fashioned and used only in some regions of Romania; it has been largely replaced with the compound perfect tense, which also corresponds to past simple and present perfect; and pluperfect corresponds to past perfect.

>>The subjunctive mood has 2 tenses: past and present. It corresponds to a certain use of infinitive in English (for example, "Vreau să plec" meaning "I want to leave").

>>The conditional mood also has 2 tenses (past and present). It is used under the same circumstances as in English.
>>The presumptive mood has 3 tenses- past, present and present progressive (the correspondent to the continuous tense in English); it is used to express a possible action (the usage of the modal "might" in English).

>>The imperative mood has only 1 tense -present- and it is used under the same circumstances as in English.

#23 - Dora's RO compound perfect (past tense) explanation:

In the compound perfect the verb 'to have' is used as an auxiliary or helping verb,
it helps the other verb to be expressed in the past. Thus, the complete set of auxiliary 'have' looks like this: am.1SG, ai.2SG, a.3SG, am.1PL, aţi.2PL, au.3PL, whereas the complete set of the lexical verb [i.e. as in 'I have, you have, etc.'] 'have' is: eu am, tu ai, el aRE, noi aVEm, voi aVEţi, ei/ele au.

#24 - Kicking example (NOM, ACC, DAT differences)

I kick a donkey. I = NOM. Role: agent [NOM can also have an 'experiencer' role]. The donkey kicks me. me = ACC. Role: patient [I am undergoing an action done by smn else]. The donkey gives me a kick. me = DAT. Role: goal, beneficiary, receiver.

He receives a promise. He receives an explanation. So the two him's both perform the role of 'beneficiary', so they are DAT him's.

#25 - List of abbreviations and other useful notions:

NOM = nominative
ACC = accusative
DAT = dative
DP = determiner phrase, e.g. 'the boy' ['the' is the determiner, 'boy' is the noun]
NP = a noun phrase [excluding the determiner; for example, a DP may incorporate an NP, like this: [DP the [NP boy]]]
IT = Italian
GR = Greek
SP = Spanish
RO = Romanian
FR = French

AGR = agreement [e.g. he agrees - the final 's' on the verb expresses agreement with the subject 'he']

clitic = pronoun which always hangs onto the verb

quirky = [here] non-nominative; subjects in English, for example, are always nominative and they always agree with the verb; a quirky subject is one which is not in the nominative case and does not agree with the verb, e.g. the Romanian 'îmi place', where 'îmi' is 1SG and dative and does not agree with 'place', which is 3SG.

pro-drop language = a language where you do not have to express the subject, e.g. in Romanian you don't have to say 'eu', 'tu', etc., unless you want to emphasize who's doing what

Dialogue 1 - La hotel (at the hotel)

Mike Foster, a businessman from Scotland, has recently arrived in Bucharest and it looking for a place to sit down in his hotel lobby. He sees an empty seat next to a young woman.

Mike - Bună dimineață, domnișoară. E liber aici, vă rog?

Young Lady - Da, poftiți. Luați loc!

Mike - Mulțumesc. Stați în hotel?

Young Lady - Da, stau chiar aici.

Mike - Sunteți din România?

Young Lady - Da, sunt româncă. Sunt din Timișoara. Dar dumneavoastră?

Mike - Eu sunt din Marea Britanie, din Edinburgh. Sunt scoțian. Și cât timp stați în București?

Young Lady - Stau numai patru zile. Dar dumneavoastră?

Mike - Eu stau trei luni. Sunt om de afaceri. Mă numesc Mike Foster. Și dvs?

Young Lady - Eu sunt Rodica Mihai, sunt ziaristă la ziarul 'Azi'.

Mike - Și este interesant ce faceți?

Young Lady - În general, da. Vorbiți limba română foarte bine.

Mike - Din păcate, nu foarte bine.

Dialogue Questions:

#1 - Mike starts out the conversation by saying 'Good Morning, Miss', but what is his immediate question in the first line?

#2 - Where is the Young Lady from?

#3 - Where is Mike from?

#4 - How long is the Young Lady staying in Bucharest?

#5 - How long is Mike staying in Bucharest?

#6 - What does the Young Lady do for a living?

Dialogue 2 - Bun venit in Romania (Welcome to Romania)

Jane Scott, an English accountant, arrives at Otopeni Airport in Bucharest and is going through Passport Control.

Passport Official - Buna ziua. Aveti pasaport britanic?

Jane - Buna ziua. Da, poftiti!

Ofiterul - Cat timp stati in Romania?

Jane - Stau doua saptamani.

Ofiterul - Cu ce scop veniti in Romania?

Jane - Sunt contabila. Lucrez la o firma britanica din Buchuresti.

Ofiterul - Multumesc. Acum puteti sa mergeti la banda rulanta pentru bagaje. Sedere placuta!


Question #1 - What does the 'the officer' (ofiterul) ask Jane for in the first sentence?
Question #2 - How long does Jane plan on staying in Romania?
Question #3 - What does Jane do for work?

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