Thursday, July 28, 2016

Practical help for a sexless marriage

There is most likely some underlying issue, whether it be porn, masturbation, depression, or some other psycho-sexual issue.

but there is a reason that sex in marriage is not just a privilege but a duty. 

This is a vital part of your relationship, you need it, and he needs to be reminded of that.

When people get married their bodies belong to their spouses. The "two are one flesh" 

No one is ever 100% satisfied in their marriage, but it seems like you two have not been on the same page sexually since day one so it's time to seek help at once.

Lack of interest is one thing, determination to avoid sex, contrary to the wishes of his wife, is another and deserves a fuller discussion between the two of you than your comments suggest has occurred.

On those occasions when sex has happened, what is his demeanour? Is he acting "under duress" then too? Is he "engaged"?

Though constant viewing of porn has been known to cause erectile dysfunction.

I am happily married. My husband is my best friend. He works hard and is an amazing father and is kind to me. He treats me with respect and makes me laugh. People often comment on how lucky I am. The trouble is that we rarely have sex. Perhaps three times a year (last time was February. Time before that was the September 2015).

Would marriage counseling be an option?

In my experience, though, a lot of times very busy men sometimes don't have as much interest in sex as other people might think. I wouldn't conclude otherwise right off the bat.

That may be so, but it's not normal for a thirtysomething male to only have sex with their spouse less than ten times a year. there may be rare cases but it's normally a sign of some health issue, whether mental or physical.

True. That only happens if porn addiction is so severe that the brain is rewired to only be aroused by pornography.
But I would tend to think that if he was viewing porn it's far more likely that he'd be looking to "spice things up" in the bedroom in an attempt to act out some of the fantasies he's been indulging in.

I will of course pray for you. And I hope these issues can be resolved for you and your husband.

huh?????? It sounds like you asked 'Hubby are you OK with having sex only 3 times per year' That is NOT the question to ask.

My first thought wasn't he has SSA, my first though was he has a mistress. I am not saying this to hurt you, but I do think you really need to change your approach

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