Tuesday, July 19, 2016


Anti-Semitic rhetoric in both countries is promoted by the Jews themselves.
This helped very strongly for Jewish emigration to Israel (a record number of Jews left for Israel.)and the worst thing that the this sect who lives as a state within a states have several options to start World War III. This sect some times is gathering in New York in Tel Aviv. They can do a lot having so powerful connections.
In Ukraine, preparation for war was a very long time.
I think that all that is connected with the anti-Semitic rhetoric is directly related to the Jewish moneybags who deliberately led to the military option. The same picture with radical parties is in the European countries. And it helps a lot of Jewish emigration to Israel.
Marginal political parties with fascist direction that caused revulsion and contempt among inteligentsia people, started winning the elections and they were constantly spinning on expensive TV channels. Naturally big money brought these political clowns to the power. Now we have already several years of war. And screaming need for arms offers a great war in the future.
I think in a few years will be a great war where the poor will fight for the sake of a few rich.(why I say this, because the social agenda in this bloodthirstiness is not even close.)
While here I am watching the Ukrainian news, today 8 people dead and 15 seriously wounded, 5 had been killed yesterday. Such news comes every day for several years.
Media changed the minds of Russian and Ukrainian people. We have lived up to the fact that, we will rejoice if we'll get more weapons.

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