Charismatics are shaking Israeli flags on their sunday services, waiting the end-times events and kingdom from Nile to Ephratus, the Aventists preach that Pope is anti-christ, it looks like you guise cut the tree on which you sit. How God can justify morally destructive eschatology? Why do you think that God do great things by violence and so huge price. I do not see the holiness in wars and blood. Also, many poor countries in many parts of the world in their history have multi-volumes editions of anti-semitism, I mean - yes, many Jews are salt for the world, but business elites also used to create the empoverishments of the nations. Pope is hated because He preach the truth, which in the 21-century sounds monstrous for gays,abortionists,secularists,zionists. Pope is not compromized in 21-century, but it will be coslty for the Church, when antichrist will get strength
If you deem yourself a people of YHWH (Almighty) & His nation Yisra'el, and if you desire to please your Creator and Father YHWH by guarding His commands - then this message is for you.
Yirmeyahu (Jer) 3:12-15
“Go and proclaim these words toward the [north], and say, ‘[Return], O [backsliding] Yisra’ĕl,’ declares יהוה (YHWH ), ‘I shall not look on you in displeasure, for I am kind,’ declares יהוה, ‘and I do not bear a grudge forever. ‘Only, [acknowledge your crookedness], because you have [transgressed] against יהוה your Elohim, and have [scattered your ways to strangers] under every green tree, and you have [not obeyed] My voice,’ declares יהוה. “[Return, O backsliding children],” declares יהוה, “for I shall rule over you, and shall take you, one from a city and two from a clan, and shall bring you to Tsiyon. “And I shall give you shepherds according to My heart, and they shall feed you with knowledge and understanding.
The promise of YHWH to those who obey His voice - to REPENT from lawlessness.
Yirmeyahu (Jer) 31:8-9
“See, I am bringing them from the land of the north, and shall gather them from the ends of the earth, among them the blind and the lame, those with child and those in labour, together – a great assembly returning here. “With weeping they shall come, and with their prayers I bring them. I shall make them walk by rivers of waters, in a straight way in which they do not stumble. For I shall be a Father to Yisra’ĕl, and Ephrayim – he is My first-born.
Problem is Vatican and Popery do NOT speak for the true believers in the Most High. This Popish religion of sorts cannot steak any claims because even their own doctrine is NOT Biblicallly justified and supported due to the fact that it is riddled with occult practices and venerations to gods, not the God of Israel. No God-Fearing Jew in his right mind would accept this Popery unless he is easilly bought by money. And this priest of lucifer has vaults full of money and Gold to buy the World, and play god. The believers on Yeshuah, belong NOT to the flock of Roman Vaticanus. But order of Melgizedek, the Lamb of Most High is our King and Priest. He lives! To Christs link with Jerusalem and Israel, it would be no more than logical for a true believer on Him, to show more loyalty, NOT for Rome Vatican, but to the Land Israel and believing folk. If its Gods will for Israel to be, who are we to question that?
Guise I do not believe that Pope is Antichrist , and I do not believe that ISIS is Antichrist, I am more agree with those many theologians who say that Antichrist will come from Israel. Be careful with demonization of muslims.
I think that anyone who has ever visited a Muslim country could not help but notice the amazing piety of society. The religious zeal which in the Christian world are practicing only by monks and very conservative Evangelical communities, there in muslim world this religious zeal is present on the daily public life level and much more stronger.(we are not discussing now the membership in Christ or following of Christ. I am not talking about it) You wake in the morning prayer even when you're sleeping yet, and in the evening when you were already asleep you can wake up by the public prayer-call. On the streets you see the praying crowds 5 times a day, and women in veils humbly turn away their eyes from you. Social economy does not allow price increases to prevent damage to the most vulnerable. It can take a long time to enumerate all the aspects of Muslim society, Of course we are not talking ISIS. In some places the religion becomes a terror. Yet I find it hard to interpret the idea of ISIS as Antichrist... To talk about Muslims as some ''godless barbarians'' is nonsense , or the infidels who lighted up the wrath of God do not seem plausible. I think that we should be very careful with attempts to demonize the regions and religions of the planet under the concept of just war, or the concept of righteous wrath of God. |
Man I agree with you, Jandre Kroeze critics of Pope is the work of Satan, they hate Holy Mother Church since it was born, first centuries , they are behind all persecutions of Christians, and today they hate the mother church even more, But God changed F.Benedict to F.Francisc, so the children of Cain could not do their dirty schemes. God Bless Church of Christ! God Bless The Pope - defender of Culture of Life. But the children of Cain defend the culture of death, every where wars where there is their agenda.
Pentecostals often also need to read the Catholic Catechism, otherwise soon you will not be only happy consumerist and ''born-again childless families'' but you will turn to ''born-again same-sex marriages.'' Your cocophony brings hundreds of denominations and destructive eschatology which brings violence to middle east.
Galan, that's a new one on me. The Jews as the whore of Babylon? No way. Who sits as a queen on seven hills and is drunk on the wine of her fornication? That's the Roman Catholic Church in a nutshell.
про "розквіт іудаїзму в християнстві".....
Цікаво що "розквіт іудаїзму в християнстві" в харизматичних колах призводить до морально деструктивних есхатологічних тлумаченнях і якоюсь нездоровою одержимістю ''Божим Ізраїлем''. На практиці на служінні люди махають Ізраїльськими прапорами і моляться за перемоги Ізраїлю, вірячи в Царство від Нілу до Євфрату.
А в адвентистских і месіанських адвентистских колах приділяють інтенсивне вивчення есхатології, що призводить до відкритої анти-католицької пропаганди.
Можна погодитись з письменником Львом Толстим, що євреї є "джерело з якого всі інші народи почерпнули свої світові релігії і віри", і євреї "просвітили землю вічним вогнем",але сучасний "розквіт іудаїзму в християнстві", призводить іноді до не здорових оборотів, особливо коли мова йде про таких насторожливих для майбутнього образах як "Антихрист" і "Вавилонська Блудниця".
Але ми віримо, що мудрий сучасний духовний лікар(Папа Римський- Франци́ск), знаходить нові ліки для оздоровлення своїх прихворавших молодших(нео-протестантів) і старших братів (юдеїв)
А в адвентистских і месіанських адвентистских колах приділяють інтенсивне вивчення есхатології, що призводить до відкритої анти-католицької пропаганди.
Можна погодитись з письменником Львом Толстим, що євреї є "джерело з якого всі інші народи почерпнули свої світові релігії і віри", і євреї "просвітили землю вічним вогнем",але сучасний "розквіт іудаїзму в християнстві", призводить іноді до не здорових оборотів, особливо коли мова йде про таких насторожливих для майбутнього образах як "Антихрист" і "Вавилонська Блудниця".
Але ми віримо, що мудрий сучасний духовний лікар(Папа Римський- Франци́ск), знаходить нові ліки для оздоровлення своїх прихворавших молодших(нео-протестантів) і старших братів (юдеїв)
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