Tuesday, February 2, 2016

failed discussion, too emotional

Galan Balan ·
But in the Scripture , The Bible in the Old Testament calls Jews as the Whore of Babylon, please help me to understand. Jews are frequently among the ruling elites on both sides of wars. Some of their citizens keep the many worlds countries budgets in their pockets, I am talking about East Europe, Africa. All over the world in many countries Jews represent political and business elites. Looks like Israel getting so mighty that soon it will be able to fight with the whole world.
I am not anti-semites, I even would not be against to get married with a jewish girl , so don't get me wrong but I also study Bible.
I do not believe that Pope is Antichrist , and I do not believe that ISIS is Antichrist, (as some Messianic Adventists believe) I am more agree with those many theologians who say that Antichrist will come from Israel. Be careful with demonization of muslims.
Go at least once in your life visit the muslim country.
I think that anyone who has ever visited a Muslim country could not help but notice the amazing piety of society.
The religious zeal which in the Christian world are practicing only by monks and very conservative Evangelical communities, there in muslim world this religious zeal is present on the daily public life level and much more stronger.(we are not discussing now the membership in Christ or following of Christ. I am not talking about it)
You wake in the morning prayer even when you're sleeping yet, and in the evening when you were already asleep you can wake up by the public prayer-call.
On the streets you see the praying crowds 5 times a day, and women in veils humbly turn away their eyes from you.
Social economy does not allow price increases to prevent damage to the most vulnerable.
It can take a long time to enumerate all the aspects of Muslim society, Of course we are not talking ISIS.
In some places the religion becomes a terror.
Yet I find it hard to interpret the idea of ISIS as Antichrist, or Pope is Antichrist.
To talk about Muslims as some ''godless barbarians'' is nonsense , or the infidels who lighted up the wrath of God do not seem plausible.
I think that we should be very careful with attempts to demonize the Catholicism or Islam under the concept of just war, or the concept of righteous wrath of God.
Kitty Corbett · 
Galan, that's a new one on me. The Jews as the whore of Babylon? No way. Who sits as a queen on seven hills and is drunk on the wine of her fornication? That's the Roman Catholic Church in a nutshell.
Like · Reply · 3 · Jan 26, 2016 2:38am
Sientje Seinen · 
Works at Retired
Galan the pope is turning everyone against Israel, notice him being friendly with Obama, now Canada is not so friendly with Israel anymore, as we have a new leader whom is a roman catholic, and I believe the pope is afraid of Isis and doing their bidding as they have vowed to take over the Roman catholic church, the pope is running scared.
Like · Reply · 2 · Jan 26, 2016 7:57am
Pauline O' Donovan
The Whore of Babylon is city who will be destroyed and the people who do trade there will weep and mourn. It is not the Roman Catholic Church. The captains will not see the Roman Catholic Church being destroyed.   http://www.breakingisraelnews.com/59722/prophetic-truth-behind-rapprochement-between-pope-jews-jewish-world/?fb_comment_id=fbc_832634886862832_832879296838391_832879296838391#BSAT5W6qztYAH04O.97

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